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+1 -800-456-478-23

jan 12, 2020
Design / Ideas / startup
Yuzu connect
yuzu main

Yuzu: Your Immersive Virtual Office Experience

Yuzu: Your Immersive Virtual Office Experience

Y uzu, a revolutionary virtual office platform designed to transform the way you connect and collaborate. Imagine a vibrant workspace where teams transcend physical boundaries, seamlessly transitioning between calls and meetings within immersive virtual rooms. This is the power of Yuzu.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Organizations: Manage various workspaces effortlessly, creating dedicated virtual offices for each organization.
  • Seamless Room Switching: Move effortlessly between virtual rooms while on a call, ensuring uninterrupted communication even while switching tasks.
  • Real-Time Connectivity: Leverage the power of WebRTC for crystal-clear voice and video calls, fostering authentic interactions within your virtual world.
  • Whisper Mode: Have confidential conversations discreetly within a room without disrupting others.
  • Breakout Groups: Facilitate focused discussions by creating smaller, dedicated rooms within the main virtual space.
  • Video and Screensharing: Share ideas visually with ease, using integrated video and screen sharing capabilities.
  • Developed with Cutting-Edge Tech: Built on the robust MERN stack by Greyloops, Yuzu embodies over 2 years of dedicated development, ensuring a stable, scalable, and secure platform.

“The project itself was a startup but now we are confident about it.”
– Sani Djaya

Process & Results


  • Agile development: Greyloops championed an agile approach, embracing flexibility and rapid iteration. This ensured continuous improvement and responsiveness to evolving needs.
  • Tech Stack Powerhouse: Node.js, React, Express, and WebRTC formed the solid foundation, empowering scalability and real-time communication.
  • AI Optimization: Cutting-edge AI technology ensured video calls were crystal-clear, intelligently focusing on the active speaker for a more natural experience.
  • Milestone Delivery: Regular milestones kept the project on track, ensuring clear goals and timely releases.
  • Rigorous SQA: Stringent Software Quality Assurance processes guaranteed Yuzu’s stability, performance, and user satisfaction.


  • Seamless Virtual Collaboration: Yuzu created a dynamic virtual office, fostering effortless communication and team engagement.
  • Enhanced Productivity: The platform minimized context switching and distractions, leading to a more focused and efficient work environment.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Yuzu’s architecture readily scales to accommodate growing teams and diverse workflows.
  • High-Quality Delivery: SQA practices resulted in a polished and reliable platform, exceeding user expectations.

Yuzu stands as a testament to effective collaboration, innovative technology, and unwavering commitment to quality. It’s not just a virtual office, it’s a future-proof solution for the evolving workplace.